Not that anyone actually reads my Blog (smile). But I needed to make the decision of leaving for my trip to San Juan or going to my much coveted fingerprinting that I received with very short notice.
appointment was scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) at 10:00 a.m.,
and my
departs tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00 a.m..'
Needless to say, I really need a vacation and my ticket is set to expire next week.
School is starting back & I'm externing, it will be hard to
finagle for my 
So I needed a little ingenuity. I decided to go today (Thursday) , at my scheduled time and try to appeal to the sympathy of the USCIS, to take prints!!!!
After a little

and um some

showing.....(those of you who know me know I would
never do that)

said yes.
I was allowed to do my

The office was empty when I got there, and 30 minutes later (after only 3 repeats), the office was packed.

So I leave you with this little pictorial to illustrate my plight.
TTYL Robbin