Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to Mom's EVERYWHERE

I heard from many of my friends today and gave out several blessings of my own. I am blessed to have spent this year with my mother and I pray for many many more. To each and every one of you mothers and mothers to be, I send this to you.......

TTYL Robbin

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Just in time for Mother's day

She got the call!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to New Mommy Christina S.! She just received a referral for a beautiful baby girl yesterday just 2.5 months old.
Mommy can't share her pictures yet. But please say a prayer for Mommy and little Ms. Amina.

TTYL Robbin

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kids say the darnest things.

My Constitution Law Professor showed this one as his introduction to First Amendment Free Speech.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

And the decision is????

Not that anyone actually reads my Blog (smile).  But I needed to make the decision of leaving for my trip to San Juan or going to my much coveted fingerprinting  that I received with very short notice.  
 My             appointment was scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) at 10:00 a.m.,

 and my             departs tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00 a.m..'

 Needless to say, I really need a vacation and my ticket is set to expire next week.  

 School is starting back & I'm externing, it will be  hard to finagle for my  

So I needed a little ingenuity.  I decided to go today (Thursday) , at my scheduled time and try to appeal to the sympathy of the USCIS, to take prints!!!!

After a little  and um some   showing.....(those of you who know me know I  would never do that) 

The     said yes.     

 I was allowed to do my 

The office was empty when I got there, and 30 minutes later (after only 3 repeats), the office was packed.   


So I leave you with this little pictorial to illustrate my plight.


TTYL  Robbin