3-13-93 to 07-26-08
I've mentioned my first furry daughter on this blog before. Miss
Diamond has been with me for 15 years!! Well as you can see from the above caption. Diamond has passed on to the great beyond. Diamond was a very loyal dog. From the time that I bought her home in the shoe box, to the day that she closed her eyes, there was never a sweeter, more attentive, intelligent and beautiful dog. She was my first puppy as an adult. She endured the temporary housing of the Rottweiler "Scrappy", the pregnant pitbull "Gee's" and her 13 puppies, the bunny rabbit "Brianna", the shoe eating cockerspaniel Coco, the loving terrier mix Remy and her fluffy born-in-my-house puppy Sasafras a.k.a. Sassy. She loved them all. She had three beautiful litters and has outlived most of her children and many of her grandchildren. She was a very good dog.
There is not a person in my life that does not have a Diamond story. I have so many that she would need her own blog. But Diamond was tired and with great grace and pride, she was gently laid to rest on tonight. She didn't fight or complain, but she just could no longer prance proudly as she has done for her entire life. It's so funny I would always say, "Diamond will not leave here until she knew I had a baby." I think she really tried to hold on. She always knew when you needed her. She had since moved in with my Mom, who needed her more, and my mother relied on her friendship greatly. My best friend Deanna who has loved on Diamond since she first came home was present to share in the last minutes of Miss Diamonds life.
Because she was such a little lady, she was usually referred to as Miss Diamond. But she would let her friends call her Di Di. She had many friends and will be dearly missed.
For those of you who have fur loved ones please hug your babies a little tighter and spend a few extra dollars on those really good dog treats. The love that they have for their masters is unconditional. Their life's purpose is to please us. And they never need to hear thanks. For those of you who have never had a fur love, you would never understand. It is truly a gift.
I feel good knowing (thanks to the movie) that ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN. Miss Diamond is certainly at peace.
I have cried, and I have laughed. I share this very intimate experience with those I know and love and those that I've come to know during this process.
The picture? That is Miss Diamonds very last hour of life. She laid on the floor with my Mom and she didn't complain at all.
With a very heavy heart
TTYL Robbin