Ethiopian Adoption Blog
OK, can't wait to see the write up on this week SIX!!! What a mile can say you have been waiting 1 month and a week now.Celeste
Sorry Robbin for the double post but I meant to say a month and 2 weeks, I am a month and a hard to get to this point never want to short change our wait times.
OK, can't wait to see the write up on this week SIX!!! What a mile can say you have been waiting 1 month and a week now.
OK, can't wait to see the write up on this week SIX!!! What a mile can say you have been waiting 1 month and a week now.
Sorry Robbin for the double post but I meant to say a month and 2 weeks, I am a month and a week.... hard to get to this point never want to short change our wait times.